Sports & Hobbies

An avid dancer, chess player or runner in your spare time? Meet up with other Internationals or people who share the same hobby or interest in sport.

    • Maastricht Running Tours Offers easy and nice guided jogging tours in the city of Maastricht.
    • Maastricht Hiking Group Private group An internationally based Hiking group, that organizes… (no secrets here) hiking activities! These can be found in- and around Maastricht, they also venture across the border into Belgium and Germany for our day hikes. If you like to connect with new people while being out in nature feel free to join them. Often people like to bring food to share from their cultural background. Once a month they try to organize an activity in Maastricht on Sundays which involves a hike around St. Pieter and we they the activity at a bar with some beers & bites.
    • Walking group 50+ Maastricht Public group. A relaxed walking group based in Maastricht for expats and Dutch . The idea is to arrange small walking tours on a weekend day for 15/20 km and afterwards a drink or lunch to socialise.
    • Board Games Club Maastricht  Private group. A community of aficionados for board and card games. They are always happy to welcome new players and new games into their midst.
    • Musician Search Maastricht Public group for musicians in Maastricht that want to create a band or you are just looking for a specific instrumental accompaniment.
    • Plant care Maastricht Public group. Share your green wisdom, adopt a plant or donate a plant. 
    • Bikes and furniture in Maastricht Public group to help students to find an easy and convenient way to buy bikes in Maastricht. They buy, exchange and fix bikes.