Social groups in Maastricht

To get you started we've listed a few social groups for you in Maastricht. Most of them in English.

  • Expats in Maastricht  Public Group run by Adina Petre (Psychologist & Coach) with many members. This group is for all internationals and internationally-minded in Maastricht. To create events and tell people about things coming up and more.
  • NOAH Friendship Platform NOAH is the Friendship Platform where you meet new friends in Maastricht.
  • Serve the City Maastricht aims to connect people in the city by helping each other. Serve the City Maastricht helps people in adverse circumstances through sports, games, music and much more. 
  • Expats near Maastricht  Private group for international people. Aims to make contact with each other, share useful information and news and stay informed about regional activities.
  • Maastricht 30+/- Socialising Private group. For people around their 30s (up to 99+) wishing to make new friends in Maastricht! Locals, expats, students, young workers or anyone else feeling addressed is very welcome!
  • Maastricht - Girl Gone International (GGI) Community Members are around 20 to 60 years old, students to working professionals to retirees. It is mainly aimed to help expat ladies in settling into Maastricht and organize social events for newcomers and current members to form connections and friendships. It is free of charge to join but depending on the activities, there may be costs involved.
  • Food Bank Maastricht Public group of a volunteer run, non-profit community initiative with the aim of raising public awareness about the problem with personal, local and also global food waste.
  • HashtagMaastricht  A page about all things Maastricht, from shopping to culture.
  • Meet Maastricht You can follow them on Instagram. They organise weekly cultural events for locals, international students and expats.
  • Holistic Spiritual Expats is an international community uniting spiritual and wellbeing seekers, practitioners, and teachers. With English private Facebook group.
  • Entrepreneurs in Maastricht Public group where entrepreneurs and small businesses located in Maastricht can network, swap advice, and keep up to date on business-related news.
  • Maastricht Housing  Public group for people who are either looking for a place to live in Maastricht, or for people who want to rent out a place - either short term or long term.
  • International Women’s Club South Limburg is a non-profit organisation whose primary purpose is to bring together women of all nationalities living in the area of Zuid-Limburg; promoting friendship, sharing mutual interests and extending support and information to newcomers.
  • Expats in Limburg Private Group with many members. Expats in Limburg is an internationally orientated group from Limburg, to meet people from all over the world, make new friends or reconnect with the old ones. With various events.
  • COC Limburg promotes the interests and rights of the lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender communities. They organise various lectures, debates, workshops, information sessions at schools, and other events.