Werkgever Maastricht Region

Starting a business

If you are eligible to work in the Netherlands you may also be able to start your own business. There are several services that can guide you through the process of starting your own business, maintaining your business entity and dealing with taxation and cross-border questions. 

All companies and legal entities in the Netherlands must be registered in the Handelsregister (Business Register) via the Kamer van Koophandel – KvK (Chamber of Commerce). According to Dutch law, a company is an entity that independently supplies goods or services to others, with the intention of making a profit.

When planning set up a business (including working as a freelancer) in the Netherlands, there are several things that must be considered:

  • What requirements need to be met in order to start a business in the Netherlands?
  • What legal forms need to be completed?
  • What taxes need to be paid?
  • Is a licence or certain qualifications such as a diploma/degree required?
  • What requirements are there for setting up a location/office?

In the Maastricht Region there are two main sources of information that can answer these questions.

  • The KvK is an independent source of information and advice for new businesses that offers help in four key areas:

    • New businesses
    • International trade
    • Transfer of ownership and takeovers
    • Government rules and legislation

    If the staff are unable to help, they refer to in-house specialists or third parties. An initial enquiry is free of charge.

    They do not have a physical office in Limburg, but they can be reached by telephone. On the KvK website you will find a lot of information on legislation and various possible structures, as well as marketing tips on the best ways to network or how best to promote your activities on social media and your website.

  • Starterscentrum Limburg is a starting point for those who want to learn more about starting a business in the Maastricht Region. Their expertise covers:

    • Rules and regulations
    • Business modelling
    • Business plans
    • Making contacts
    • Building networks
  • The Municipality of Maastricht established the Team Ondernemen Maastricht (Maastricht Business Team) services to help entrepreneurs navigate their way through the process and procedure of starting and running a business in the Maastricht Region. They are familiar with the procedures and the routes within the municipality, can answer questions or direct queries to a colleague who specialises in a specific subject. The Maastricht Business Team bridges the gap between entrepreneurial ambitions and the framework within which they can be achieved. All advice is free.

TIP: Meet us at Starting a business in the Netherlands. An event Expat Centre Maastricht Region organises twice a year together with expert partners and service providers in the region. Keep an eye out on our event calendar to see when we organise the next one. Registration is free of charge but seats are limited. 
