Healthcare event

Dual Careers

Expat Centre Maastricht Region works to support equally talented spouses accompanying their partners to the Netherlands.

We do this by:

  • Facilitating their speedy integration into Dutch society
  • Providing them with potential career opportunities and social networking events
  • Bringing all the relevant information together to make their relocation as efficient as possible

This leaves more time and energy for furthering their own career.

Securing a new position in the Maastricht Region can be more easily achieved when applicants have access to a broad network of professional contacts, as well as having a basic knowledge of Dutch. In the Maastricht Region many connections and introductions are made in more casual settings and although Dutch is not necessarily a pre-requisite for work, it is definitely helpful when communicating with customers, suppliers, prospective colleagues and potential employers. It is also important to remember that attending language classes is a great way to meet new people.

One of the largest employers in the region, Maastricht University offers Staff Career Counselling Services which assists university staff members who have questions about their careers, opportunities in or outside the university, facilitates work-related coaching and conducts training courses, while also welcoming family members of Maastricht University's international employees.

Seeking for a fulfilling work-life balance? Exploring career opportunities or aspiring to study or start your own business in this beautiful, exciting and international region? Welcome to Maastricht Region is here to assist you. 

Welcome to Maastricht Region