Public holidays
Below you can find a list of all national holidays in the Netherlands.
- Nieuwjaar (New Year’s Day): 1 January
- Pasen (Easter Sunday and Easter Monday) - according to the Catholic calendar
- Koningsdag (King’s Day): 27 April (26 April if 27 April falls on a Sunday)
- Dodenherdenking (National Remembrance Day): 4 May
- Hemelvaart (Ascension): in May - according to the Catholic calendar
- Pinksteren (Whitsun): in May - according to the Catholic calendar
- Eerste Kerstdag (Christmas Day): 25 December
- Tweede Kerstdag (Boxing Day): 26 December
- Goede Vrijdag (Good Friday): according to the Catholic calendar
- Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day): 5 May (official holiday only every 5 years)
School holidays
School holidays in the Netherlands vary depending on where you live. The Netherlands is split into three geographical regions - north, central and south - pertaining to school holidays, with each area following their own holiday calendar.
All Dutch schools have five holidays throughout the year. These are autumn (one week), Christmas (two weeks), spring (one week), May (two weeks, usually spread across April/May) and summer (six weeks).
In the southern region of the Netherlands Carnaval is celebrated seven weeks before Easter and many schools hold their spring holidays during this time. International schools may have holiday dates that are slightly different from public schools in their region. Be sure to check with your child’s school for a full list of holiday dates.