Expat Desk Expat Centre Maastricht Region

Fast Track process non-EU citizens

The Netherlands welcomes international talent; truly valuing their input and impact on Dutch society and industry. Recognising that this global expertise is needed to further strengthen economic, cultural, and research fields as well as promoting the Netherlands’ profitable investment climate, Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst – IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) offers a unique fast-tracked registration process. This enables these applicants to move through the immigration and registration procedures via specialised accelerated channels.

    • Residence permits are only granted to non-EU/EEA applicants with a verified verblijfsdoel (reason for stay). 
    • Work permits are assessed separately by the Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen – UWV (Employee Insurance Agency) 
    • Non-EU/EEA citizens moving to the Netherlands usually apply for a gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid – GVVA (a combined residence and work permit). To be eligible for a GVVA there must already be a job offer in place. 
    • Some non-EU/EEA applicants are required to have completed the inburgering (civic integration) process before they are eligible to apply for a residence permit. 
    • The residence and work permit application process can take up to 90 days. 
    • Once relocated in the Netherlands, the mandatory municipal registration process can take up to 1 month.
    • IND recognised sponsors can submit an application for a residence and work permit before the non-EU highly skilled migrant, researcher or professional artist arrives in the Netherlands, enabling the employee to commence work almost immediately after arrival. 
    • Non-EU employees do not need to register at the offices of the municipality and the IND desk separately. The formal procedures consist of collecting residence permits, registering with the municipality and receiving a personal consultation about living and working in the Maastricht Region in 1 day and at 1 location. This is offered at Expat Centre Maastricht Region in just 1 appointment. 
    • Instead of taking up to 90 days, a decision regarding residence and work permits can be heard within 1 weeks. 
    • From the moment of application, the entire municipal registration process can take up to 4 weeks, however when utilising the Fast Track process the applicants receive their required paperwork within 3 working days.
    • Depending on the employee’s country of origin, the IND recognised sponsor files an application with the IND for a machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf – MVV (authorisation for temporary stay), a GVVR (combined residence and work permit) or the Toegang en Verblijf – TEV procedure (which begins with an MVV). 
    • IND makes a decision within 2 weeks and informs the employer. 
    • Employer contacts us to start the Fast Track municipal registration process. 
    • At the appointment the employee will collect the residence permit, or if not yet done, get the biometric details taken, register with the municipality and receive a personal consultation about living and working in the Maastricht Region.
    • Employees utilizing the Fast Track process are assured of an accelerated issuance of their Burgerservicenummer – BSN (citizen service number) within 5 working days. 

    The IND is present every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for the specific purposes of issuing residence permits, collecting biometric information, issuing residence endorsement stickers or return visas. Visits to IND desk in Maastricht are by appointment only. 

    Make an appointment

    When a residence permit is ready for collection in Maastricht a letter will be sent by the IND. This letter is needed when collecting the permit. 

    Download Roadmap Employers Fast Track (Dutch)

The team at Expat Centre Maastricht Region can offer expert advice and guidance for employers looking to become an IND erkend referent (recognised sponsor). Make an appointment with one of our advisors for a one-on-one consultation session.