Gemeente Maastricht

Certificate of good conduct for staff

In the Netherlands a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag – VOG (Certificate of Good Conduct) is sometimes required before starting a new job. It is a document by which the Minister voor Rechtsbescherming (Minister for Legal Protection) declares that the applicant did not commit any criminal offences that are relevant to the performance of their duties. The VOG is issued by Justis (Ministry of Justice and Security’s screening authority).

The applicant has a Burgerservicenummer – BSN (citizen service number)

  • If the employer is registered with eherkenning (standardised login system which enables organisations to make their services accessible securely online to companies, civil servants and consumers) the employer can log in and start the application process online. The Justis website explains (in Dutch) how the employer can apply for a VOG online. 
  • If the employer is not registered with eherkenning they can download the application form from the Justis website and complete their part of the form, the applicant then completes their part of the form and returns it to the employer who sends it to the municipality. 

The applicant does not have a BSN: 

  • Applicants who are registered as registratie niet ingezetenen – RNI (registration as a non-inhabitant), for example working temporarily in the Netherlands or currently living abroad, must apply directly to Justis. The completed application form should be downloaded from the Integrity and Screening Agency website and sent via email.
  • Justis can also issue a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag voor Rechtspersonen – VOG-RP (certificate of good conduct for legal entities) for businesses, foundations and associations). This might be required for companies that want to enter into a contract or join an industry association. 

    The application procedure for a VOG-RP is different from the application procedure for the VOG for natural persons.

TIP: The employer usually pays for the VOG, however since 2015 the VOG is free of charge for a large group of volunteers.